Custom Layout in Studio
Alex Bychok
Hi! New studio update just dropped with layout customizations. ✨
Restream user
Alex Bychok when will these changes go live?
Alex Bychok
Restream user It's already in production
Restream user
Alex Bychok I am playing around with the Beta now and its not quite what i thought it would be - Still unable to freely move frames around the screen and reposition video inside the frames to compensate for off center cameras
Alex Khuda
Restream user: This is version #1. We’ve aimed to make it simple to use, and more improvements are on the way! ;)
Restream user
Alex Khuda - Thank you for the updates - looking fwd to the coming versions
Alex Bychok
Merged in a post:
Customized Layouts
Restream user
Please make it easier to customize the guest layout. This can be very annoying and frustrating when you use the preset layouts and removes some of your guest from the screen. Please provide an option for us to create our own layouts thanks
Alex Bychok
in progress
Restream user
I'd love the ability to pre-build a layout including a guest. We have static guest invites to the studio, and if I'm only going to invite one, , I'd love to pre-build that scene and have it come up as built.
I would Love to be able to Customize my own Stages. Camera sizes , colors , placement of cameras etc
I would love to be able to customize studio layouts.
Streamyard had added this feature earlier this year (customizing existing layouts or designing your own), but I had to leave them, coming over to Restream because of their insane new monthly price increase. I hated to do it, because their custom layouts became essential to the look I wanted for my videos, but their prices are ludicrous now for anyone who isn't making 5 figures a month from YouTube :/
Restream user
i'm trying to stream on kick on my phone
Restream user
Read & reply to messages from multiple platforms here.
Alex Bychok
Merged in a post:
Custom Layouts
I would like the ability to customize layouts.
Matt Roskovec
Merged in a post:
Adjustable Camera Positioning
Ability to move the camera up or down in the Studio settings
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